01 September Corporation Tax for year to 30 November 2016 19 September PAYE & NIC deductions and CIS return and tax, for month to 5 September 2017 (due 22 September if you pay electronically) 1 October Corporation tax for year to 31/12/16 5 October … [Read more...]
The Local Government Association (LGA) are stating that the government need to find a new way of funding and are worried that the sugar tax is being used to cover funding shortages. In February this year, ministers announced that £415m would be put into schools, as part of … [Read more...]
Facts on Auto Enrolment
Did you know that all employers now have to put their workers into a pension scheme if they earn over £10,000 per year, are aged 22 or over and are under state pension age. This is the law, because the government wants to get more people to have another income in addition to the state pension whey … [Read more...]
New Advert
Please take a look at our new Advert. Featured in the local village Gazette Your first consultation is free. Be lovely to meet you over a cup of tea. Looking forward t hearing from you. … [Read more...]
How you can help us with Academy Schools
So if your children go to a school or Academy school you are already in a position to find referral work for us. Find out if the school has a PTA committee and if so, have you joined the PTA? if not maybe think about joining one as you can put your views and concerns to the group … [Read more...]
Academy Schools
Academy schools are schools which are directly funded by the Department for Education and are Independent of local authority control. Academies are self- governing, non-profit making charitable trusts and may receive extra support from personal or corporate sponsors, either financially or in kind. … [Read more...]
Benefits of the Academy Status
Did you know that academies are independent, state-funded schools and receive funding directly from central government, other than local authorities. Again, the school run by the head teacher/principal, but they are overseen by individual charitable bodies called academy trusts and may be part of … [Read more...]
HMRC Tax Investigations are on the increase
Investigation Fee Protection Insurance We have been hearing for a while from HM Revenue and Customs about their plans to target tax investigations as a priority. Due to the random nature of how some of these are selected, it is impossible to guarantee that anyone can avoid being subjected to such … [Read more...]
Summary of Budget 2017
In his first Budget on 8th March 2017, the new Chancellor Phillip Hammond announces the following:- Tax 2% National Insurance rise for self employed workers by 2019. Tax free Dividend allowance on shares cut from £5,000 to £2,000 The Income tax personal allowance will rise to … [Read more...]
Buying A Company with Losses
The new flexible loss relief rules coming into effect from 1 April 2017, will make the purchase of a loss making company attractive. For many years there has been anti-avoidance to block the use of such losses and it is proposed that these rules will continue to apply. The draft clauses in … [Read more...]